Kids on Phones

In Today’s strip (5th August 2019) Ginger ends up betraying his dad’s demand that he not join Twitter. In the past, readers have asked why I’ve added smartphones into the Ginger Meggs world. My answer is always: Show me a kid, and I’ll show you a smartphone.


I don’t know one kid today who hasn’t been using a smartphone since before they knew what it even was. That said, I held back on ‘giving’ Ginger a phone until quite recently. Long after the ubiquity of smartphones.

Kids are so smart with their parents and ultimately end up finding a workaround to whatever parental controls they’re restricted by. Kids are smart. They outsmart their grandparents and tell them their Mum lets them watch YouTube, or get them to reveal the parental passwords. It’s a clear sign of the times.

I make sure the stories in Ginger Meggs reflect those of what it is to be a kid today, and I hope you all enjoy them. Ultimately, they’re an opportunity for our favourite characters learning about the world.


Drawing up a very special Ginger Meggs strip this week


Reader Question: Why do some characters have two separate eyes and others have double-eyes like Sonic the Hedgehog?