Become Part of Ginger Meggs History with The ‘Final Caption’ Competition

Ginger Meggs creator, Jimmy Bancks, died before he was able to complete what would have been his final Ginger Meggs strip in 1952. Now is your opportunity to show your creative side and become a part of the Ginger Meggs legacy.

Click the image to the left to download the high-resolution version of the final unfinished comic that sat on Bancks’ desk, and challenge yourself to come up with the most exciting, fun and creative final caption to the last panel.

What is the little boy telling Ginger in that last panel?

Is Ginger saying anything in response? We want to see as many different ideas as possible!

A panel of experts – including current Ginger Meggs comic-strip cartoonist Jason Chatfield; Miranda Latimer, grand-daughter of Jimmy Bancks; and Tristan Bancks, author and great-great-nephew of Jimmy Bancks – will decide who wrote the funniest/most original/most creative caption.

The winner gets a framed copy of their caption drawn in by Jason Chatfield himself and a signed copy of Ginger Meggs written by Tristan Bancks and illustrated by Jason Chatfield.

So, what are you waiting for?


Fan Art: Ginger hits a six!


Sunday strip: Dad Makes a “Chair”