Ginger Meggs Annuals


A nice little read about the Ginger Meggs annuals over on The Tingle Factor blog…

When I showed the children these two Ginger Meggs annuals, their reactions were quite intriguing. Many of the children recognised the character, and were surprised to see him appearing in a cartoon from ‘so long ago’. They seemed to think that the mischievous small boy was a relative newcomer to the cartoon world, and were amazed to discover that he actually dates back right to the 1920s!

Ginger Meggs may seem like quite a familiar figure - the mischievous boy is certainly recognisable in todays society! Yet he was born right back in 1921, when he first appeared in the first edition of the comic strip ‘Us Fellers’. His creator was Jimmy Bancks, and the comic was published in the Sunbeams pages of the Sunday Sun newspaper. Monty Grover, who was the chief editor of the Sunday Sun itself had asked a number of artists to draw a comic based around a group of boys and a girl. The boys would get into trouble, while the girl would get them out of it. Us Fellers was just one of the comics which was featured in the Sunbeams section, but by March 1922, it had become a permanent feature of the front cover. 

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A very good cartoon by Scott Stantis today


Ginger gets Netflix... for now